Monday, December 13, 2010

Final Reflective Exam

     English 1301 gave me a truly better understanding about English. Having to write five different kinds of essays taught me more than I would have guessed. What mostly stood out to me was the importance of getting exactly what is on your mind on to the paper, sometimes it is hard to say what you mean in an essay. But I know I gained a few of those skills so the course certainly did do me some good.

     The study of English always interested me, I honestly can say The Longman Writer was pleasant to read. The whole course was exactly the way it should be. Though everything was mostly a smooth blend of enjoyment, what truthfully taught and got me the most was Mr. Jaynes' way of telling us how he wanted us to write. I never knew how important it was to use just straight forward, solid sentences. I liked hearing that because I believe it made me a better writer.

     I did not have too grand of a time with the writing we had to post on, yet it was undoubtedly good for the whole class, I believe. I did not get to carried away with the argument essay either, as I hate to argue.

      The first essay I wrote would be my finest work, only because it was focussing on description, which I love doing. I feel sure to say that I could go back now and make it a lot better, with everything I have recently learned that is.

     School is school, so it will never be too epic of a quest.

     I would have payed more attention to what I put down on the paper, as to make stronger points. I would have also written more, since my assignments were not really long enough.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Stephen King

Horror movies are innately conservative, due to the fact that they are not real.  Writers intend for these stories to seem realistic, in one way or another.  Unfortunately however, Hollywood cannot fully capture the true emotions and mercilessness of the horrors in real life.  The nightmarish happenings in these films have insaner monsters and sicker deaths than that of what is commonly seen throughout a normal lifetime, but they still do not have the power to give you the horrible feelings of something not as severe.

A revolutionary element shows itself quite obviously, after seeing such kind of film one will usually end up being spooked by someone who looks similar to a horror movie character.  Undoubtedly these sort of assumptions affect our society everyday.  We view particular kinds of people as creeps when a scarring impression remains in our minds.

Anarchy unmasks itself in every horror movie, as when nothing follows guidelines, nobody takes the right path, everybody kills each other or gets killed, all because the opposite of peace is arising somewhere on the set.  With all these components working together in an cooperative way.  Horror movies are unquestionably the most exciting movies to watch, nevertheless, excitement is not always the most important factor.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Answer to question 2 : Lutz states there are four questions to ask that will unmask doublespeak.  The first one asks "Who is saying what to whom?" which will help determine the situation by knowing exactly what is going on.   After that comes Lutz’s second question “under what conditions and circumstances” this question reveals the benefits of the circumstance.  As when people doublespeak they do it only to benefit one side or another.  As for the third “with what intents” the sinister strategy will be unveiled.  To decipher doublespeak, the purpose must be out in the open.  Lutz gave a fourth and final question “with what results?” to expose any doublespeak embedded by examining what happened in the end.  Looking at a recent result can make any doublespeak obvious.

Answer to question 3 : Euphemism is the first term used by the author in “First Kind of Doublespeak” .  He claims it is “an inoffensive or positive word or phrase used to avoid a harsh, unpleasant, or distasteful reality”.
Next, jargon is mentioned.  Lutz writes “pretentious, obscure, and esoteric terminology used to give an air of profundity, authority, and prestige to speakers and their subject matter”.
The third term is gobbledygook.  He claims in 1974 Alan Greenspan used the technique by saying “It is a tricky problem to find the particular calibration in timing that would be appropriate to stem the acceleration in risk premiums created by falling incomes without prematurely aborting the decline in the inflation-generated risk premiums”.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Getting On A Teacher's Good Side Is An Easily Mastered Skill

Students over and over again seek out ways of getting on good terms with their teachers.  Turning in all of their homework on time, and showing interest in class, will typically gain admiration from any educator.  As long as students take their classes seriously, there should by no means be any troubles, especially if the instructor is on their side.

Good terms are skillfully sought after by students among teachers, all for the anticipation of reaping superfluous reimbursement.  Attention and homework are all teachers request of.  Therefore obscurity in achieving this can easily be detached, as long as students are eager enough to take their classes seriously.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Activity 3

The draft was written well, however, I did lose focus somewhere in the middle. The writer could have wrote the essay in a more interesting way.

To the parents of the kids as well as the school board. The overall purpose was suited just right, to help anyone in need of a helping hand. The words written enlighten the readers to the point, therefore, the tone is informative.

The explicit essay's thesis is clearly that schools should extend their daily hours. The person who wrote it must have intended on persuading the reader.

Children must not be left alone at home, and extracurricular activities are useful to their education.

Emphatic, it helps readers understand the thesis.

A contrasting development was entwined with a descriptive style. The thesis was obvious with all the details of how it might be without the longer day.

Definitely in the first paragraph, I was not impressed with the term "latchkey". Yes it does indeed make sense but I felt as if the paper would be better without it.

The paragraphs convey the thesis accurately, all of them were descriptive and relevant.

All of the sentences are in there for a reason, to convince people into thinking longer school days are a brilliant idea. The thesis was visible throughout the piece.

All the ideas are presented emphatically, this contrasts the main point.

If the topic interests a reader, then all of the little details may seem important. I for one did not find the essay to be intriguing, therefore, I would prefer a lot more creativity as well as sentence variety throughout the paragraphs. To shorten it would also make it more enjoyable, readers would also have a sharper sense on what they read.

The form was structured pleasantly, the writer faded to each point smoothly.

Near the middle, most of the paragraphs were dull but straightforward.

The introduction started off asking for attention when it painted the image of a good girl being home alone trying to figure out what to do.

It should have said that the seven year old now has something to do, to enhance the effect of the solution.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Winning The Lottery May Not Always Be A Blessing

Nowadays, a high percent of lottery winners find themselves facing problems which they thought money would never buy. Money cannot buy happiness, but it can buy misery. More than half of the so called lucky winners trap themselves in debt, even when they have more money than they should spend. A couple million dollars just does not quite cut it for some people. Sadly but surely, they usually turn this blessing into a curse. A life of dept after being a millionaire must be a tremendous contrast. That is why these people are left so miserable.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Someone's Unlucky Day

The scenic forest warped from my front windshield to the rear view mirror of my piano black BMW. I was rounding the winding road at suspenseful speed. Another car revealed itself, the one driving portrayed to me that he was not making any intentions toward halting at the soon to come red light. A youthful couple set off into the path of death, when reality stuck them. The model of a woman performed a strikingly realistic paralyzed pose on the ground. Leaving her close one speechless.