Monday, December 13, 2010

Final Reflective Exam

     English 1301 gave me a truly better understanding about English. Having to write five different kinds of essays taught me more than I would have guessed. What mostly stood out to me was the importance of getting exactly what is on your mind on to the paper, sometimes it is hard to say what you mean in an essay. But I know I gained a few of those skills so the course certainly did do me some good.

     The study of English always interested me, I honestly can say The Longman Writer was pleasant to read. The whole course was exactly the way it should be. Though everything was mostly a smooth blend of enjoyment, what truthfully taught and got me the most was Mr. Jaynes' way of telling us how he wanted us to write. I never knew how important it was to use just straight forward, solid sentences. I liked hearing that because I believe it made me a better writer.

     I did not have too grand of a time with the writing we had to post on, yet it was undoubtedly good for the whole class, I believe. I did not get to carried away with the argument essay either, as I hate to argue.

      The first essay I wrote would be my finest work, only because it was focussing on description, which I love doing. I feel sure to say that I could go back now and make it a lot better, with everything I have recently learned that is.

     School is school, so it will never be too epic of a quest.

     I would have payed more attention to what I put down on the paper, as to make stronger points. I would have also written more, since my assignments were not really long enough.